About us会社概要
Company Profile
社名 Company Name |
株式会社バイオパレット(Bio Palette Co., Ltd.) Bio Palette Co., Ltd. |
本社 Head Office |
〒100-0004 |
大阪オフィス Osaka Office |
Osaka Umeda Twin Towers North 19F 8-1 Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku |
設立年月日 Establishment |
2017年2月21日 February 21, 2017 |
役員 Board Members |
Management team
代表取締役CEO 馬場 祐了
Yoshinori Bamba
/ Representative Director and
Chief Executive Officer -
2005年に東京薬科大学生命科学部を卒業。2007年に同大学院で修士号を取得後、同年にキリンビール株式会社(現・協和キリン株式会社)に入社。同社薬物動態研究所にて、新規開発候補品の薬物動態データの取得と開発品の選定に従事後、臨床試験で取得した薬物動態/薬理データの解析、臨床薬理試験の治験計画書の企画・策定を実施。同社在籍時に担当した2つの開発品は薬事承認を取得し、現在販売中。2016年から 2018年まで CSL ベーリング株式会社に所属し、新製品のローンチ業務を担当。2018年から2021年までジェイファーマ株式会社にて、取締役事業戦略担当等を歴任。自社開発品の製薬会社への導出を達成。2021年10月から株式会社PURMX Therapeutics に取締役として事業開発、事業計画立案、資金調達等を担当。2013年に経営学修士号(MBA)を取得。2024年1月、執行役員COOとして当社に加入。2024年4月より現職。
Bamba joined Bio Palette as Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer in January 2024. Prior to joining our team, Mr. Bamba was a director at PURMX Therapeutics, Inc., where he oversaw business development and fundraising efforts. At J-Pharma Co., Ltd., his responsibilities included devising effective business strategies and successfully leading the out-licensing of in-house developed compounds to other pharmaceutical companies. Earlier in his career, he played a pivotal role in product launches at CSL Behring K.K.. Mr. Bamba’s professional journey began at Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., where he contributed to the launch of two drugs while focusing on pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacology. His academic accomplishments include a master’s degree from the Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences in 2007 and an MBA in 2013. His expertise spans pharmaceutical development, particularly in pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacology, along with a wealth of experience in management, strategy, and business development within the biotech sector.
取締役COO 安藤 賀津子
Kazuko Ando
/ Director and COO -
2001年に大阪大学理学部生物科学科を首席で卒業。2003年に同大学院で修士号を取得後、2004年にサントリー株式会社の知的財産部、2006年にソニー株式会社の知的財産センターライセンス部、2012年にグリー株式会社の法務知財部特許チームに入社・配属。2014年には株式会社ヘリオスの人事総務部法務グループグループ長マネージャーとして入社し、その後、同社事業開発部長や法務部長を歴任。2022年には同社米国子会社、Healios NA Inc.でExecutive VP Head of Legal & Business Developmentに就任。2006年に弁理士資格を取得。2023年11月、執行役員CBOとして当社に加入。2024年4月より現職。
Ando joined Bio Palette as Executive Officer and Chief Business Officer in November 2023. Before joining our team, Ms. Ando showcased her exceptional abilities as the Executive VP Head of Legal and Business Development at Healios NA, Inc. from 2022, a subsidiary of HEALIOS K.K. Her illustrious career at Healios, spanning from 2014, culminated in her leadership of the Legal Group and Business Development. Before Healios, Ms. Ando honed her expertise in intellectual property at GREE, Inc., Sony Corporation, and Suntory Holding Limited, obtaining her patent attorney certification in 2006. Ms. Ando holds a master’s degree from Osaka University, where she was the top Biological Sciences graduate in 2001. Her extensive experience encompasses pivotal roles in major corporations and biotech ventures, focusing on intellectual property, legal affairs, and business development.
取締役 近藤 昭彦
Akihiko Kondo, Ph.D.
/ Director -
Kondo is a Vice President of Kobe University, and a Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation. He is one of the leading experts in the field of synthetic biology in Japan, and has promoted extensive research and commercialization over a long period of time. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Kyoto University.
取締役 西田 敬二
Keiji Nishida, Ph.D.
/ Director -
細胞進化、合成生物学などの分野での研究ののち、従来のヌクレアーゼ型ゲノム編集技術に代わる技術としてDNAの脱アミノ化等の塩基変換反応を利用したTarget-AIDの開発を行った。2017年2月より現職。Nishida is a Professor, Graduate School of Science, Technology and Innovation, Kobe University. He joined Pamela Silver lab at Harvard Medical School and worked as a postdoctoral fellow from 2008 to 2013. He holds a Ph.D. in Biological Science from The University of Tokyo.
取締役 デービッド・ミルスタイン
David Milstein
/ Director -
米国ペンシルバニア大学卒業後、ハーバードビジネススクールにてMBA取得。2000年にフィデリティ・ベンチャーズ日本オフィス代表。2005年にウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパンに入社、2010年にインタラクティブ・メディア・グループのゼネラルマネージャーに就任後、2012年よりEight Roads Ventures Japanの代表を務める。2017年8月より現職。
David is a Managing Partner of Eight Roads Ventures and Head of Japan. He spent from 2005 to 2012 at the Walt Disney Company as Vice President of the Interactive Media Group in Japan, and re-joined Eight Roads Ventures in 2012 to build the venture capital business for FIL in Japan. He holds a BS (Economics) from Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania, and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
取締役 香本 慎一郎
Shinichro "Sheen" Komoto
/ Director -
米金融大手FidelityグループのVCであるエイトローズにて、ヘルスケア及びバイオベンチャーの投資・育成の責任者。18年在籍した三井物産(株)では、IT及びヘルスケア領域にて新規事業創出、M&A、会社運営に携わる。米国・シンガポール・ベトナムに計9年駐在。東京都立大学(電気工学科)、INSEAD (Executive Educational Program)。
Sheen leads the Healthcare and Biosciences team at Eight Roads in Japan. Eight Roads is a global venture capital backed by Fidelity group with $4B+ AUM, 300+ portfolio companies, 140+ investment professionals. He joined following an 18-year career at Mitsui & Co. where he invested more than 20 healthcare companies in US, Japan, China and SEA, and was most recently Deputy General Manager, Healthcare Service. BA of Electric Engineering from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Executive Educational Program at INSEAD.
取締役 高原 瑞紀
Mizuki Takahara
/ Director -
同志社大学卒業後、2010年4月、株式会社ジャフコ(現ジャフコ グループ株式会社)に入社。中部支社にて、東海・北陸・浜松エリアのスタートアップへの投資・成長支援に従事した後、2018年2月からは関西支社(現西日本支社)で、関西エリアを中心に、地方のスタートアップへの投資の責任者を務める。IPO・M&AでのEXIT経験の他、ファンドレイズにも従事。
Takahara is a head of investment mainly in the Kansai area at JAFCO Group Co., Ltd. He has over 10 years of experience in investing in the local startups, and has a track record of IPO and M&A Exits.
取締役 三浦 研吾
Kengo Miura
/ Director -
Miura has been consistently engaged in investment and support activities for university-launched start-up. He supports the establishment of venture businesses based on the research seeds of universities and research institutes, and serves as a business promoter for Program for Creating STart-ups from Advanced Research and Technology (START). He holds a master's degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology University.
監査役 前田 信二
Shinji Maeda
/ Auditor -
Maeda assumed the role of auditor at Bio Palette in December 2023. Mr. Maeda, the founder, and CEO of Umegae Central Accounting Co., Ltd. since 2014, brings invaluable experience to our organization. Before this, he served as a senior manager at Asahi Audit Corporation, now KPMG AZSA LLC, and holds registrations as a certified public and tax accountant. Mr. Maeda graduated from Osaka University's School of Economics in 1994 and is renowned for his contributions to the field, including publications on accounting and taxation and university lectures on corporate ethics and finance.
本社〒100-0004 東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1
大手町ビル6階 Inspired.LabHead Office6-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004 Japan
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